Matplotlib created a temporary config/cache directory at /tmp/matplotlib-chrl6nik because the default path (/var/www/.config/matplotlib) is not a writable directory; it is highly recommended to set the MPLCONFIGDIR environment variable to a writable directory, in particular to speed up the import of Matplotlib and to better support multiprocessing. INFO: Reading configuration file /var/www/html/data/material-modeling/SrTiO3.cif-QuantumEspresso-farhie-20250131-161126/config.toml. INFO: Creating lattice/cell object from /var/www/html/data/material-modeling/SrTiO3.cif-QuantumEspresso-farhie-20250131-161126/SrTiO3.cif. INFO: supercell = [2 2 2] INFO: kpoints = [3 3 3] INFO: kpts_density= 1080 INFO: directory = /var/www/html/data/material-modeling/SrTiO3.cif-QuantumEspresso-farhie-20250131-161126/ INFO: O3SrTi Bravais lattice: CUB(a=3.905); Spacegroup: P m -3 m (221) INFO: Creating calculator QUANTUMESPRESSO. INFO: Starting computations in file:///var/www/html/data/material-modeling/SrTiO3.cif-QuantumEspresso-farhie-20250131-161126/ [Fri Jan 31 16:11:29 2025] INFO: Computing ground state. INFO: Computing electronic density of states. INFO: Computing electronic band structure 1d. INFO: O3SrTi: Ef=11.8444 eV. Gap=1629.60 meV. INFO: Computing electronic band structure 3d. INFO: O3SrTi: Ef=11.9068 eV. Gap=1897.20 meV. INFO: Computing phonon density of states (small displacement method, Phonopy). [Phonopy] Atomic displacements: [Phonopy] 0 [0.01, 0.0, 0.0] [Phonopy] 8 [0.01, 0.0, 0.0] [Phonopy] 16 [0.007071067811865475, 0.0, 0.007071067811865475] [Phonopy] Computing force constants. [Phonopy] Computing '/var/www/html/data/material-modeling/SrTiO3.cif-QuantumEspresso-farhie-20250131-161126/force-sets/sc-0000.npy' [Phonopy] Computing '/var/www/html/data/material-modeling/SrTiO3.cif-QuantumEspresso-farhie-20250131-161126/force-sets/sc-0001.npy' [Phonopy] Computing '/var/www/html/data/material-modeling/SrTiO3.cif-QuantumEspresso-farhie-20250131-161126/force-sets/sc-0002.npy' [Phonopy] Building force constants matrix. Max drift of force constants: 3.235726 (yy) 0.000000 (xx) Max drift after symmetrization by translation: 0.000000 (xx) 0.000000 (xx) [Phonopy] Writing force constants to '/var/www/html/data/material-modeling/SrTiO3.cif-QuantumEspresso-farhie-20250131-161126/force-constants.npy' [Phonopy] Phonon frequencies at Gamma: [Phonopy] 1: -0.00000 THz -0.00000 meV [Phonopy] 2: -0.00000 THz -0.00000 meV [Phonopy] 3: 0.00000 THz 0.00000 meV [Phonopy] 4: 1.97038 THz 8.14881 meV [Phonopy] 5: 1.97038 THz 8.14881 meV [Phonopy] 6: 1.97038 THz 8.14881 meV [Phonopy] 7: 4.91695 THz 20.33485 meV [Phonopy] 8: 4.91695 THz 20.33485 meV [Phonopy] 9: 4.91695 THz 20.33485 meV [Phonopy] 10: 5.49078 THz 22.70803 meV [Phonopy] 11: 5.49078 THz 22.70803 meV [Phonopy] 12: 5.49078 THz 22.70803 meV [Phonopy] 13: 16.32804 THz 67.52731 meV [Phonopy] 14: 16.32804 THz 67.52731 meV [Phonopy] 15: 16.32804 THz 67.52731 meV /usr/bin/material-modeling:607: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10 INFO: Computing phonon dispersion along BZ path 1d (small displacement method, Phonopy). [Phonopy] Atomic displacements: [Phonopy] 0 [0.01, 0.0, 0.0] [Phonopy] 8 [0.01, 0.0, 0.0] [Phonopy] 16 [0.007071067811865475, 0.0, 0.007071067811865475] [Phonopy] Reading force constants from '/var/www/html/data/material-modeling/SrTiO3.cif-QuantumEspresso-farhie-20250131-161126/force-constants.npy' /usr/bin/material-modeling:558: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10 /usr/bin/material-modeling:382: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in scalar add /usr/bin/material-modeling:383: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in scalar add INFO: Computing phonon dispersion along BZ path 3d (small displacement method, Phonopy). [Phonopy] Atomic displacements: [Phonopy] 0 [0.01, 0.0, 0.0] [Phonopy] 8 [0.01, 0.0, 0.0] [Phonopy] 16 [0.007071067811865475, 0.0, 0.007071067811865475] [Phonopy] Reading force constants from '/var/www/html/data/material-modeling/SrTiO3.cif-QuantumEspresso-farhie-20250131-161126/force-constants.npy' INFO: Saving results into file:///var/www/html/data/material-modeling/SrTiO3.cif-QuantumEspresso-farhie-20250131-161126/ [Fri Jan 31 16:17:13 2025] INFO: Report available at file:///var/www/html/data/material-modeling/SrTiO3.cif-QuantumEspresso-farhie-20250131-161126//README.html