KING Andrew À : FARHI Emmanuel mercredi 10 juin 2020 12:59 Hi Emmanuel, In ruche/share-temp/PSICHE/Python is the tomodata code, and in ruche/share-temp/PSICHE/data is the marta dataset. I will try and get a rough documentation finished for next week. I have various bits already done. The concept is that: (1) PyHST requires data and a par file. (2) Tomodata is just a top level function (i.e. doing the job of a GUI), that calls other python functions. (3) These functions act on the data or on the pyhst par file. (4) There are a couple of special functions that convert data from nxs (or tif, or whatever) into the edf format used by pyhst. A directory structure is assumed: the workingdirectory is where you call tomodata inside this, each tomogram has a folder with the name of the scan inside that folder is the parfile, and a folder with the edf projections reconstructions are written into the scan directory workingdirectory/ workingdirectory/scanname/ workingdirectory/scanname/scanname_edfs/ Somewhere there is a spool directory, where the raw data (nxs files + par file) live. spooldir/scanname/scanname.nxs spooldir/scanname/scanname.par spooldir/scanname/pre_ref.nxs spooldir/scanname/post_ref.nxs spooldir/scanname/post_dark.nxs Cheers, Andy