Keywords for SAXS Data in EDF Files
EDF_DataFormatVersion = 2.40 *
Peter Boesecke *
1. General Properties (EDF) *
Short Description *
Keywords *
Types of Header Values *
String Value *
Long Integer Value *
Double Float Value *
Double Float Value with Unit *
Time Value *
2. Data Format Specific (EDF) *
Header Start Pattern *
Header End Pattern *
General Block Header Keywords (EDF) *
EDF_DataFormatVersion *
EDF_DataBlocks *
EDF_BlockBoundary *
Data Block Header Keywords (EDF) *
EDF_DataBlockID *
EDF_BinarySize *
EDF_HeaderSize *
EDF_BinaryFileName *
EDF_BinaryFilePosition *
EDF_BinaryFileSize *
3. Description of Binary Data (EDF) *
Keywords *
ByteOrder *
Compression *
DataType *
DataValueOffset *
N-dimensional Raster Data (Arrays, Images and Volumes) Dim_(n) *
DataRasterConfiguration *
RasterOrientation *
Pixel Coordinates *
4. History (SAXS) *
Keywords *
History-U *
5. Description of the Scattering Geometry (SAXS) *
Image Coordinates *
Reference Systems *
Binning *
SAXS Geometry *
Physical Quantities and Units *
Keywords *
SaxsDataVersion *
Offset_1, Offset_2 *
BSize_1, BSize_2 *
PSize_1, PSize_2 *
Center_1, Center_2 *
WaveLength *
SampleDistance *
DetectorRotation_1, DetectorRotation_2, DetectorRotation_3 *
SampleRotation_1, SampleRotation_2, SampleRotation_3 *
ProjectionType *
Title *
Time *
Dummy *
DDummy *
6. Displacement Images *
Keywords Prefix *
Displaced *
7. Raw Data (SAXS) *
Info Keywords *
DetectorInfo *
ExperimentInfo *
MachineInfo *
OpticsInfo *
ProposalInfo *
StationInfo *
SubTitle *
Detector Keywords *
DetectorPosition *
DetectorName *
Multichannel Scaler Keywords *
HS32Len *
HS32C<nn> *
HS32N<nn> *
HS32Z<nn> *
HS32F<nn> *
HS32Depth *
Binary Data Keywords *
HMFrame *
HMFile *
HMStartTime *
HMDeltaTime *
Keywords to Assign Scaler Numbers to Incoming Photons, Transmitted Photons, Anode Counts and Exposure Time *
HSI0 *
HSI1 *
HSAnode *
HSAnodeS *
HSTime *
HSTimeS *
Keywords for Explicit Values of Incoming Photons, Transmitted Photons, Anode Counts and Exposure Time *
Version *
Intensity0Monitor *
Intensity1Monitor *
AnodeCountsMonitor *
ExposureTimeMonitor *
Intensity0 *
Intensity1 *
AnodeCounts *
ExposureTime *
ESRF ID01 Specific Keywords *
Version *
ESRF_ID01_TDC_ResolutionMode *
ESRF_ID01_TDC_Resolution *
ESRF_ID01_TDC_Offset *
ESRF_ID01_TDC_Timeout *
ESRF_ID01_Goniometer_Theta *
ESRF_ID01_Goniometer_Chi *
ESRF_ID01_Goniometer_Chi *
ESRF_ID01_Goniometer_Phi *
ESRF Beamline Specific Keywords *
Version *
ESRF_<IDxx>_<SpecSession>_<Mnemonic> *
8. Backward Compatibility (EDF and SAXS) *
Keywords *
HeaderID *
Size *
Image *
Keywords in General Header *
DataKey_<memory> *
9. History *
Version < 1.00 *
Version 1.00 *
Version 2.00 *
Version 2.10 *
Version 2.11 *
Version 2.20 *
Version 2.30 *
Version 2.31 *
Version 2.40 *
10. Appendix *
Example of a General Header *
Example of a Data Block Header *
Example of a Data Block Header for Raw Data *
General Properties (EDF)EDF files contain one or more sets of data blocks consisting of an ASCII (characters 1-127) readable header and binary data. The header consists of keyword-value pairs. The header contains only ASCII text and is therefore easily readable. Nevertheless a dictionary is required to make full use of its information. It is not recommended to change the header manually with a text editor because it could change its fixed block length or corrupt the whole data file.
The header must start by a line feed '\n' and an opening curly brace '{'and must end after a closing curly braze '}' followed by a line feed '\n'. Files with similar but other start and stop patterns are not considered in this document.
Keywords are not case sensitive. A keyword is always followed by an equal sign that separates it from its value. Each value is terminated by a semicolon ';'.Values are trimmed, i.e. leading and trailing white space is removed. A single leading and a single trailing double prime (") is removed.
Important: An ASCII-zero('\0') is NEVER allowed inside a header, because it is used as an emergency stop if the header end is missing. Curly-braces and semicolons are not allowed inside a header and therefore also neither in keywords nor in values because they are used as control characters. Escape sequences starting with a backslash must be used instead ("\(" for "{", "\)" for "}", "\:" for ";" "\\" for "\" and "\l" for a new line (lf or cr/lf depending on the operating system), see section Backslash escape sequences).
For convenience, the header length is limited to multiples of 512 bytes (including start and end pattern). A cr/lf is inserted after each semicolon following each keyword-value pair since it allows the header section to be viewed with standard system utilities on a very wide range of operating systems.. cr´s and lf´s are generally ignored in values but they should not be used inside numbers.
The maximum significant length of a header value is 64 (MaxKeyLen) characters. Keywords are not case sensitive and white spaces are removed.
The maximum significant length of a header value is 512 characters (MaxValLen). String values should not exceed 256 characters (counting also backslash escape sequences (String Value) and final zero('\0') in the output string). Too long header values are truncated.
A string value is a sequence of ASCII characters that does not contain curly braces or a semicolon. These characters are expressed by backslash escape sequences. Carriage returns ('\r') and line feeds ('\n') are ignored. If the string value contains a backslash followed by an l ('\' 'l') it is translated to a line feed.
A single '\' at the end of a string is ignored.
string value |
string |
'\''l' |
=> |
line_feed |
'\''r' |
=> |
'\r' |
'\''n' |
=> |
'\n' |
'\''s' |
=> |
' ' |
'\''t' |
=> |
'\t' |
'\''v' |
=> |
'\v' |
'\''f' |
=> |
'\f' |
'\''(' |
=> |
'{' |
'\'')' |
=> |
'}' |
'\'':' |
=> |
';' |
'\r' |
skipped |
- |
'\n' |
skipped |
- |
'\'';' |
end of the string |
- |
'\'<any other character> |
=> |
<any other character> |
'\r''\n' |
=> |
'\''l' |
'\n' |
=> |
'\''l' |
'{' |
=> |
'\''(' |
'}' |
=> |
'\'')' |
';' |
=> |
'\'':' |
'\' |
=> |
'\''\' |
Decimal number with or without a sign (+|-), example +1234567890. Currently only long integer values are used.
A decimal number with or without a sign (+|-), with a point ('.') as decimal separator and an 'e' as decimal exponent separator, example: -1.234e+2 for -123.4.
A Double Float Value can be followed by an underscore and a unit: <value>_<unit>, e.g. 32.5_deg. The following units can be used:
for distances: m (meter)
for angles: deg (degree), rad (radian).
The form <a>_<b> corresponds internally to an immediate multiplication of <a> with <b>, e.g 2_deg corresponds to the multiplication of 2* pi/180 and 2_rad and 2_m to the multiplication 2*1. Currently only double float values and double float values with a unit are used.
Time values should be written in the following subset of the ISO time notation (YYYY = year, MM: month, DD: day, hh: hour (0-24), mm: minute (0-60), ss: seconds (0-61), ssssss: microseconds ([] optional)):
Example: "1998-01-02 12:34:56.000000" for 02-Jan-1998 12:34:56.
Information about ISO 8601 time notation can be found at Data Format Specific (EDF)All data format specific keywords are preceded by "EDF_" and are listed at the top of a header section. "EDF_" keywords that are not listed at the top of a header section are ignored. For convenience some of them are written in a specific order. Data format specific keywords are only defined in EDF_DataFormatVersion >= 2.00. For all other files default values are used. If the file starts with "\n{\r\nEDF_" it is a version >= 2 file. EDF_DataFormatVersion 1 is assumed if the file starts with "\n{".
The start pattern of a header is "\n{" (Version >=2: "\n{\r\nEDF_". It can be used as a magic pattern to identify the file type).
The end pattern of a header is "}\n" (Version >=2: "\r\n}\n")
General Block Header Keywords (EDF)
Optional, a general header is only defined in Version>=2. The start pattern of a general header header is "\n{\r\nEDF_DataFormatVersion ". It can be used as a magic pattern to identify a file with general header).
V2.1: The general block header starts with data format specific keywords (starting with "EDF_") and can be followed by application specific keywords (any keyword not starting with "EDF_"). All application specific keywords in the general block header are used as default values. They are used if the keyword is not given in the data block header.
Obligatory the first keyword in a general header. It describes the version of the data file format
Value, where N is a positive number and mm are two numeric characters, e.g. 2.10
Obligatory second keyword in a general header. The value is the number of data blocks in the file.
Positive long integer number larger or equal to 1. If the file contains only a single data block the value can be replaced by "Undetermined".
Optional: The data block length (default: 512 bytes)
Remark: If the data consists of a pure text header file (EDF_BinarySize = 0) and separate binary files (EDF_BinaryFileName = "<binary filename>") the text header file can be written with block boundary 1. The extension of a pure text header file should be ".ehf".
Long Integer Value larger than 0.
Data Block Header Keywords (EDF)
The value of the data block identifier must be unique in the file. It must be the first keyword in a data block header, if it is not the general block (see General Block Header Keywords).
Positive or negative long integer value describing the order of the data blocks. In time sequences the sequence number n should usually increase with the start time t(n) (t(n)<t(n+1)). The sequence number is independent of the physical order of the data blocks in the file. Usually, the sequence number of the first data block in the file is n=1 and the sequence number of each following data block is incremented by 1.
String describing the data class, currently used: "Image". An image is a n-dimensional array of rastered data and must be described by the keywords "Dim_1" to "Dim_n", "DataRasterConfiguration" and "DataType".
"Psd": extension for primary (scientific) data.
"Error": extension for error data
The extensions "FlatField" and "Mask" are reserved, but currently not used.
A positive long integer number. It is used in analogy to the "bsl" format to store calibration data or data from other detectors. The extension ".1" must be omitted for memory=1.
Sequence 1 to 3, primary data in memories 1 and 2
EDF_DataBlockID = 1.Image.Psd ;
EDF_DataBlockID = 2.Image.Psd ;
EDF_DataBlockID = 1.Image.Psd.2 ;
EDF_DataBlockID = 2.Image.Psd.2 ;
Sequence 1 to 3, error data in memories 1 and 2
EDF_DataBlockID = 1.Image.Error ;
EDF_DataBlockID = 2.Image.Error ;
EDF_DataBlockID = 1.Image.Error.2 ;
EDF_DataBlockID = 2.Image.Error.2 ;
no default
2.30 (redefined)
Obligatory, EDF_BinarySize is equal to the size of the binary block section in bytes that follows after the data block header.
Long Integer Value
Optional: The length of the header section in bytes.
Long Integer Value
no default
Optional: Name of an EXTERNAL file containing the binary data. It must be in the same directory as the EDF file and must be DIFFERENT from this EDF file. A path in the filename is ignored.
String Value (Filename without a path)
no default
Obligatory keyword that must be given together with EDF_BinaryFileName. Otherwise it is ignored. It describes the start position of the data in the external binary file.
Long Integer Value
no default
Optional: The size of the data buffer in the external file (currently ignored)
Long Integer Value
no default
This keyword shows whether the more significant data bytes of a single data element are stored before or after the less significant data bytes.
HighByteFirst (default), LowByteFirst
The binary data are stored in big endian format, e.g. the two byte integer value 1 is stored in two subsequent bytes as 0x00 0x01 ("Motorola type").
The binary data are stored in little endian format, e.g. the two byte integer value 1 is stored in two subsequent bytes as 0x01 0x00 ("Intel type").
This keyword describes the compression type of the binary data.
Remark: It should be distinguished from other types of compressions that are applied to specific data (e.g. 2d data) and that can only be applied after endian correction and reoordering. The latter might be called RasterDataCompression (proposal).
None (default)
No compression
The data type of each data element. It defines type and size of data elements. 16 data type values are currently defined. Not all data types are in use (see Tab. 3:). Aliases are used for backward compatibility.
Unsigned8, Signed8, Unsigned16, Signed16, Unsigned32, Signed32, Unsigned64, Signed64, FloatIEEE32, DoubleIEEE64, UnAssigned, UnAssigned, FloatVAX32, DoubleVAX64, FloatConvex32, DoubleConvex64
UnsignedByte, SignedByte, UnsignedShort, SignedShort, UnsignedInteger, SignedInteger, Unsigned64, Signed64, FloatValue, DoubleValue, UnAssigned, UnAssigned, FloatVAX32, DoubleVAX64, FloatConvex32, DoubleConvex64
value |
data size / bytes |
data type |
comments |
Unsigned8 |
1 |
unsigned 8 bit integer |
Signed8 |
1 |
signed 8 bit integer |
Unsigned16 |
2 |
unsigned short |
Signed16 |
2 |
signed 16 bit integer |
Unsigned32 |
4 |
unsigned 32 bit integer |
Signed32 |
4 |
signed 32 bit integer |
Unsigned64 |
8 |
unsigned 64 bit integer |
currently unused |
Signed64 |
8 |
signed 64 bit integer |
currently unused |
FloatIEEE32 |
4 |
32 bit IEEE float |
DoubleIEEE64 |
8 |
64 bit IEEE float |
currently unused |
currently unused |
FloatVAX32 |
4 |
currently unused |
DoubleVAX64 |
8 |
currently unused |
FloatConvex32 |
4 |
currently unused |
DoubleConvex64 |
8 |
currently unused |
DataValueOffset is used to shift the value range of a short integer data type (1 or 2 bytes) inside the value range of long integer values (machine dependend, usually at least 4 bytes). The actual data value is calculated from the binary data by the following transformation (c-type notation):
The offset is added at the very end, after endian correction and binary decompression. The result must lie inside the value range of the target data type, otherwise the results are set to the nearest value of that data type.
Only for completeness, DataValueOffset is also defined for floating point data types (equations (5) and (6)).
Long Integer Value
N-dimensional Raster Data (Arrays, Images and Volumes) Dim_(n)
Keys are indexed with an underscore followed by a number, e.g."Dim_3" for the array length Dim in direction 3. Keywords ending with an underscore followed by a number are automatically interpreted as a coordinate number and must not be used for other purposes, e.g. for other indexed data, like parameters of a multi channel counter.
The keys Dim_1 to Dim_(n) are used to describe an n-dimensional raster array. Dim_(n) is the number of array elements in dimension n, where n is a positive integer larger than zero. DataRasterConfiguration defines the order of the array elements in the linear data buffer and Dim_(n) the number of array elements in direction n. If Dim_(J) is found in the header, but not Dim_(J+1) the array has the dimension J. The default for Dim_1 is zero, for all others 1. This allows to read the data array always as a n-dimensional array, e.g. to read a m-dimensional array A[Dim_1, ..., Dim_(m)] as a n-dimensional array A[Dim_1, ..., Dim_(m),1, 1, ..., 1] by setting the higher indizes to 1 or by shortening a m-dimensional array to its first n-dimensions. The values of the key DataRasterConfiguration are defined in such a way that this is easily possible.
One dimensional data can be stored in two dimensional arrays with Dim_2 = 1.
Positive integer values (currently limited to Long Integer Value)
The default for Dim_1 is 0, for all others 1.
The data raster configuration describes the storage order of array elements in a binary data buffer. The data raster configuration is 1 when a change in a lower index corresponds to a smaller distance between corresponding data elements in the stored data. In other words: "a smaller index runs faster". The default data raster configuration is 1. DataRasterConfiguration is only used to convert between different ways of data storage and not to convert between different coordinate systems. In the second case all indexed keys (keys with an underscore and a number) must be reordered in a similar way as the indices, e.g. when the coordinates are swapped. This must be done in a later step because it requires specific knowledge about the specific coordinate sytem and its description. The corresponding key is RasterOrientation. It is defined similar to DataRasterConfiguration.
The data raster configuration of an N-dimensional stored array is defined recursively and has a value between 1 and 2^N*N! For example, the elements of a one-dimensional array can either be stored in ascending or in descending order. In the first case the r data raster configuration is 1 in the latter case 2.
In the two dimensional case the number of possible data raster configurations is 8. The two first cases are identical to the one dimensional case, only a second index is added after the first index. In the following two cases the storage direction of the second index is inversed. In the four last cases the data elements of the second index appear faster than the data elements of the first index.
The actual data raster configuration of an N-dimensional data array is given by an N-tupel of indices that corresponds to the order from fast to slow in which the data elements are stored, with a negative sign if the direction is inverted. When the second index is the fastest and the direction of the first index is inverted the corresponding tupel would be: (2,-1). This is data raster configuration number 6 (see following figure). The data raster configuration number and the n-tupel are equivalent.
Long Integer Values from 1 to A(N)=2^N * N! where N is the dimension. Currently only long integer value are used. For N>9 the number of data raster configurations is larger than the value range of long integers. In these cases only data raster configurations from 1 to 2^9*9! are possible.
The keyword RasterOrientation correlates array indices and geometrical coordinates (see Fig. 2:). When data is swapped between different raster orientations all geometrical parameters, like dimension, offset, pixel size and center must also be swapped.
This concept can be extended to more than 2 dimensions.
It should be noted that in the cases 5 to 8 the order of the coordinates are swapped and that the array dimensions must be swapped in the same way. Data with a horizontal dimension 500 and a vertical dimension 600 in raster orientation 1 to 4 have a horizontal dimension of 600 and a vertical dimension of 500 after swapping to raster orientation 5 to 8. Dim_1, Dim_2 and all other index dependend parameters must be changed correspondingly.
Long Integer Values from 1 to A(N)=2^N * N! where N is the dimension.
The pixel (or data) coordinate along each direction is expressed by a float type number rather than an integer pixel number. The coordinates start with p0=0.0 at the lower edge of the first pixel (with pixel number 1) and end at the upper edge of pixel number n with the coordinate n. Read access to coordinates outside these limits should not cause an error but should return a dummy values as result. Write access to these coordinates will be ignored.
In version 2.11 and higher the history of command lines are stored in the file header. They can be used to repeat the calculation.
Each data history keyword is followed by a command line with all options and arguments. The history starts with DataHistory-1. Each call to a function that produces a history line adds a new keyword with the unsigned integer number U incremented by 1. The most recent command line has the highest number U.
The format of the history line is free, but should enable to reproduce the step.
The values are of type String Value.
The geometry is only defined for two dimensional scattering data. One dimensional data can be represented by setting the second index to 1.
Currently the following reference system are defined. All reference systems are defined for the same data set.
The simplest description is ARRAY. It uses only the pixel coordinates without any additional keyword.
The standard coordinate system is the IMAGE coordinate system. It consist of the ARRAY coordinates plus an offset.
CENTER coordinates consist of IMAGE coordinates minus the center.
REGION coordinates consist of IMAGE coordinates multiplied with the binning size.
REAL coordinates consist of IMAGE coordinates multiplied with the pixel size.
NORMAL coordinates consist of CENTER coordinates multiplied by the pixel size.
In the SAXS coordinate system the coordinates are oriented around a center. The distance from the center is given by tan(2Theta)/(WaveLength/WaveLength0), where WaveLength0=1e-9 has been chosen for convenience. For small 2-theta angles the resulting coordinate can be approximated by s=2sin(Theta)/WaveLength [nm], where s is the scattering vector in nanometers. At large scattering angles this coordinate system is still exact, but the coordinates cannot be interpreted directly as scattering vectors. The tan(2*Theta) must be converted into 2*sin(Theta).
The SAXS coordinate system allows the (exact) combination of scattering data from different detectors (small and wide angle), which are mounted perpendicular to the primary beam. Or from the same detector placed at different distances from the sample.
ARRAY coordinate p = pixel coordinate
IMAGE coordinate i = array coordinate + offset
CENTER coordinate c = image coordinate - center
REGION coordinate b = image coordinate ´ binning size
REAL coordinate r = image coordinate ´ pixel size
NORMAL coordinate n = center coordinate ´ pixel size
Scattering patterns on detectors which are mounted under different angles with respect to the primary beam must be projected into the reciprocal space before they can be combined. This transformation will be called WAXS projection. The transformation requires three additional parameters:
WAXS projections are independent of the wavelength, the sample distance and the detector rotations. WAXS projections of different detectors or detector positions can be superposed using SAXS coordinates.
A binning of the regular raster array by an integer factor B (1,2, ...) in one direction leads to the following parameter transformations:
The detector data is described by the pixel size p [m], an offset [pixel] and a center coordinate. Because the coordinate system was chosen in such a way that p0=0.0 (see Fig. 3:), the transformation of the offset simplifies to:
The principal SAXS geometry is shown in Fig. 5:. The data is described with an origin in the lower left corner. The detector is seen from the sample ("with the beam"). The data can be treated in one of the reference systems that are shown in Eq. (7).
If possible the same base unit is used for parameters of the same physical quantity, i.e.
distances in lab space |
m (meter) |
SampleDistance = 10; |
distances on the image |
pixel coordinate |
Offset = 10.2; |
mass |
kg (kilograms) |
time |
s (second) |
ExposureTime = 0.1; DeltaTime = 0.003; |
angles |
rad (radian) |
DetectorRotation_1 = 0.0 |
It is possible to add explicitely one of the defined units to some type of values (see Double Float Value with Unit). This does not change the default unit that is used when no unit is given explicitly.
Describes the version of the definitions
current version 2.4
Offset of coordinate 1 and 2 of the data array as shown in Fig. 4:
array coordinate (pixel)
Double Float Value
0.0, 0.0
Binning sizes of coordinate 1 and 2. BSize_1 and BSize_2 are pixel sizes that are measured relative to the pixel size of the original image. BSize_1 and BSize_2 are used alternativelely to pixel size to combine differently binned images as long as real pixel sizes are not known. They are used to calculate Region coordinates.
image coordinate
Double Float Value
Pixel size of coordinate 1 and 2 of the data array as shown in Fig. 4:
Default Unit
Double Float Value with Unit
no default
Coordinate 1 and 2 of the normal incidence point of the beam on the detector as shown in Fig. 5: If the detector surface is perpendicular to the beam Center_1 and Center_2 are identical to the point where the primar beam would hit the detector.
image coordinate (pixel)
Double Float Value
no default
Monochromatic wavelength of the beam.
Default Unit
Double Float Value with Unit
no default
Distance between the sample and the normal incidence point (Center_1, Center_2) of the beam on the detector.
Default Unit
Double Float Value with Unit
no default
Rotation of the detector surface normal relative to the surface normal of the standard detector which is antiparallel to the primary beam. The detector normal at the point of normal incidence (Center_1, Center_2) crosses the sample at SampleDistance.
The rotations are done in counter-clockwise direction around the axes of the unrotated NORMAL coordinate system. The rotations are done in ascending order: DetectorRotation_1 around axis 1, DetectorRotation_2 around axis 2 and DetectorRotation_3 around axis 3. This can be generalized to N dimensions.
Default Unit
The default unit is radian.
Double Float Value with Unit
DetectorRotation_1 = 0_deg ;
DetectorRotation_2 = 32.5_deg ;
DetectorRotation_3 = 0_deg ;
In analogy to detector rotations sample rotations are defined by three sample rotations: SampleRotation_1, SampleRotation_2 and SampleRotation_3.
Default Unit
The default unit is radian.
Double Float Value with Unit
SampleRotation_1 = 5.576_deg ;
SampleRotation_2 = 23.233_deg ;
SampleRotation_3 = 8.973_deg ;
The projection type keyword defines the way how the scattering intensities are projected to the image. The default type defines a scattering pattern of a point-like scatterer that is observed with a linear one-dimensional or a flat two-dimensional detector. This type is called "Saxs" because the scattering vector lengths at small angles 2
J around the point of normal incidence (Center) can be linearly approximated by the radial distance r from the center (small angle approximation, J<<1: q=2p∙s = 4p∙sin(J)/l ≈ 4p∙J/l ≈ 2p∙tan(2J)/l µ r). The second projection type is called "Waxs" because the scattering pattern is projected from the Ewald sphere to a flat plane perpendicular to the incident beam (wave vector k). The radial distances in this projection are proportional to the lengths of the scattering vectors. The azimuthal angles are conserved. The projection is done in such a way that q=2p∙s µ r for any radial distance r from the center.Description
Currently the following projection types are defined:
Saxs: Scattering pattern that is observed on a plane detector surface as described below (SAXS Geometry). The detector can be rotated. The specific keywords are: Offset_1, Offset_2, PSize_1, PSize_2, Center_1, Center_2, SampleDistance, WaveLength, DetectorRotation_1, DetectorRotation_2, DetectorRotation_3. Pixel distances di on a Saxs projection are proportional to distances dx in the laboratory:
dx = di * PSize
Waxs: Projection of a Saxs type pattern to the Ewald-sphere, currently only to a plane that is perpendicular to the primary beam. Rotations to describe inclined geometries may be defined later. Detector rotations cannot be used. The specific keywords are: Offset_1, Offset_2, PSize_1, PSize_2, Center_1, Center_2, SampleDistance, WaveLength. Pixel distances di on a Waxs projection are proportional to distances ds in reciprocal space (WaveLength0=1e-9, s=2*sin(Theta)*(WaveLength0/WaveLength):
ds = di * (PSize/SampleDistance) * (WaveLength0/WaveLength)
ProjectionType Value: Saxs, Waxs
A title of the data block.
String Value with escape sequences (to avoid curly braces and semicolons, see paragraph String Value). Strings longer than MaxValLen (currently 512) are truncated. There are still some subroutines which can only pass 255 characters.
no default
Time at start of the exposure, like 2001-11-25 10:25:03.654321
Time Value
no default
A dummy is a value that represents an invalid data point. Zero (0.0) can never be used as a dummy value. All values between Dummy-DDummy and Dummy+DDummy are taken as invalid data points. If -DDummy < Dummy < +DDummy no dummy value is defined.
Double Float Value
0.0 (no dummy)
Radius around Dummy to represent a dummy value.
positive Double Float Value
max(0.1, 1e-4 * Dummy)
Displacement ImagesEach pixel of a displacement image contains the relative displacement of the pixel in the transformed image relative to the input image. Each coordinate requires a displacement image. Because the displacement can be very general the parameters of the transformed image can be different from the input parameters and must be provided explicitely. Keywords that describe the displaced image of the transformation start with the prefix Displaced, e.g. DisplacedCenter_1, DisplacedOffset_1, DisplacedPSize_1, etc.
Prefix of keywords in a displacement image that must be used in the displaced image.
The following keywords have been defined ad hoc for immediate use at the beamlines ID01 and ID02. They are only used in conversion routines of the form saxs_norm... which convert the raw data into the standard representation.
All keywords ending with "Info" contain a free format string value about the corresponding item.
Info string about detector
String Value
no default
Info string about the experiment in general
String Value
no default
Info string about machine status or setup
String Value
no default
Info string about optical setup
String Value
no default
Info string about the proposal
String Value
no default
Info string about the station
String Value
no default
A general description of the experiment, should be replaced by the keyword ExperimentInfo
String Value
no default
Keywords starting with "Detector" are used to describe detector properties.
The position of the detector on the optical bench, starting with 0.0 a the end stop close to the sample. The distance between sample and detector is calculated from this by adding a constant.
Double Float Value
no default
Name of the detector (currently free format)
String Value
no default
A 32 channel scaler is used to count calibration data during each exposure (incoming photons, transmitted photons, exposure time, anode couts). All keywords starting with "HS32" are related to the 32 channel scaler.
A scaler value is calculated by
ScalerZero is used to subtract an offset from a signal of a voltage to frequency converter. The units are as follows: ScalerCounts [counts], ScalerZero [counts/s], TimerValue [s], ScalerFactor [<unit>/counts], where <unit> stands for the physical unit that is measured by the scaler. The keywords for ScalerCounts, ScalerZero and ScalerFactor are shown below.
At least one scaler must be fed with a constant frequency, e.g. 1MHz, and must be used as a timer. The timer value is calculated by
The units are as follows: TimerValue [s], TimerCounts [counts], TimerFactor [s/counts]. The scaler that is actually used as timer is given by the keyword "HSTime" (see below).
Number of scalers, from 1 to HS32Len <= 32
Long Integer Value
ScalerCounts (see eq. (11))
All keywords starting with HS32C... are followed by a two digit channel number (HS32C01, HS32C02, ..., HS32C10, ...). The maximum scaler number is given by HS32Len.
Double Float Value
no default
The name of the corresponding scaler
All keywords starting with HS32S... are followed by a two digit channel number (HS32S01, HS32S02, ..., HS32S10, ...). The maximum scaler number is given by HS32Len.
String Value
no default
ScalerZero (see eq. (11)). The zero value of the scaler.
All keywords starting with HS32Z... are followed by a two digit channel number (HS32Z01, HS32Z02, ..., HS32Z10, ...). The maximum scaler number is given by HS32Len.
Double Float Value
no default
ScalerFactor (see eq. (11)). The multiplication factor for the corresponding scaler.
All keywords starting with HS32F... are followed by a two digit scaler number (HS32F01, HS32F02, ..., HS32F10, ...). The maximum scaler number is given by HS32Len.
Double Float Value
no default
Double float value that shows the dynamics of the scaler counts. The multi channel scaler has only a dynamics of 24 bits. With an input frequency of 1MHz the counter gets an overflow after approximately 16 seconds. To allow longer counting times the counts of the multi channel scaler are accumulated externally in software. The dynamics of the software counters after k=0, 1, 2, etc. external accumulations is calculated with
With HS32Depth the maximum scaler count is given by
Double Float Value
no default
All keywords starting with HM (Histogramming Memory) are related to the binary data which were originally data from a histogramming memory for a multiwire proportional chamber.
Frame number of the binary data in HMFile, starting with 1
Long Integer Value
no default
File name and path of the binary file that was originally created by the acquisition program.
String Value
no default
Absolute start time of the experiment (currently still in unix date notation)
Time Value
no default
Relative start time in seconds of the exposure of this image relative to the absolute start time of the experiment (see Default
no default
Double Float Value
no default
The following keywords assign scalers to specific measurements. Each value can be measured by a primary and a secondary (alternative) scaler. If a scaler is not defined or used the value after the keyword is 0.
The input frequency of the secondary scaler must be a divided frequency of the primary scaler. The calibration factors and zero values must be correctly set for both scalers.
If an alternative scaler exists it is checked for an overflow of the primary scaler. The maximum allowed value of the primary scaler (without subtraction of the zero value) is given by
The scaler value without zero level subtraction (') is given by
If the scaler value of the secondary scaler (ScalerValueS') is larger than 99% of MaximumScalerValue' the value is calculated from the second scaler, otherwise from the primary scaler.
Scaler number of the I0 monitor (flux before sample) (1 .. HS32Len). The I0-value is the number of photons in the primary beam during the exposure.
Unit of ScalerValue
Long Integer Value
Scaler number of the alternative I0 monitor (flux before sample) (1 ... HS32Len)
Unit of ScalerValue
Long Integer Value
Scaler number of the I1 monitor (flux after sample) (1 .. HS32Len)
Unit of ScalerValue
Long Integer Value
Scaler number of the alternative I1 monitor (flux after sample) (1 ... HS32Len)
Unit of ScalerValue
Long Integer Value
Scaler number of the anode pulse counter
Unit of ScalerValue
Long Integer Value
Scaler number of the alternative anode pulse counter
Unit of ScalerValue
Long Integer Value
Scaler number of the time counter
Unit of ScalerValue
Long Integer Value
Scaler number of the alternative time counter
Unit of ScalerValue
Long Integer Value
Name of the I0 monitor (beam intensity monitor before the sample)
String Value
no default
Name of the I1 monitor (beam intensity monitor after the sample)
String Value
no default
Name of the anode counts monitor
String Value
no default
Name of the exposure time monitor
String Value
no default
Integrated number of photons in the primary beam before the sample during the exposure.
Double Float Value
no default
Integrated number of photons in the primary beam after the sample during the exposure. Attention, the ratio Intensity1/Intensity0 can be larger than the sample transmission if only a part of the primary beam hits the sample.
Double Float Value
no default
Integrated number of anode counts during the exposure.
Double Float Value
no default
Integrated exposure time
Double Float Value
no default
Internal code of the time to digital converter for its resolution mode
Long Integer Value
no default
TDC resolution in seconds
Double Float Value
no default
TDC offset in seconds
Double Float Value
no default
TDC time out in seconds
Double Float Value
no default
Theta angle of the esrf id01 goniometer
degreeå (radian)
Double Float Value
no default
Chi angle of the esrf id01 goniometer
degreeå (radian)
Double Float Value
no default
Chi angle of the esrf id01 goniometer
degreeå (radian)
Double Float Value
no default
Phi angle of the esrf id01 goniometer
degreeå (radian)
Double Float Value
no default
ESRF Beamline Specific Keywords
The ESRF ID01 specific keywords in the above described form are no longer in use. They are replaced by informational beamline specific keywords of the type ESRF_<IDxx>_<SpecSession>_<MotorMnemonic>. The units are defined by the acquisition program.
String Value
String that describes the value of the parameter <Mnemonic> in the spec session <SpecSession> at the beamline <IDxx> at the ESRF. <Mnemonic> can be the name of variables, motor or counter mnemonics.
no default
Backward Compatibility (EDF and SAXS)This section describes keywords that are only used for backward compatibility and which might disappear in the future.
The following keywords are not required any more and can be omitted if the file will not be read by old software.
Data block header identification starting with EH: and consisting of three 6 digits long unsigned decimal numbers separated by colons. Only the first number is used and larger than zero. The headers are numbered in ascending order starting with 1.
EH:<header_id>:000000:000000, with <header_id> = 1, 2, ...
The first header in the data file looks like this:
HeaderID = EH:000001:000000:000000 ;
Size of the binary section after the header in bytes.
This keyword duplicates the value after Default
no default
2.30 (redefined)
This value duplicates the sequence number of the data block identifier (EDF_DataBlockID) for the case that the data block identifier ends with "Image.Psd"
String Value ("All") or Long Integer Value ("1"). All data blocks with valid data have a Long Intger Value.
Image = 1;
The keys "DataKey-<memory>" are used to redefine "<class>.<memory>" identifiers. "DataKey-1" corresponds always to "Image.Psd". The defaults of "DataKey-2", "DataKey-3" etc. correspond always to "Image.<memory>. These keywords are only usd in the general header.
"<class>.<memory>" of this item
String Value
DataKey-1 => Image
2.30 (redefined)
Historic version with multiple headers, before and after the binary data, not restricted to 512 byte blocks (before 1995)
Version with a single header preceeding the binary data, usually restricted to 512 byte blocks (until February 1998)
Totally renewed version as described in this document
New keywords: Intensity0, Intensity0Monitor, Intensity1, Intensity1Monitor, AnodeCounts, AnodeCountsMonitor, ExposureTime, ExposureTimeMonitor, ESRF_ID01_TDC_ResolutionMode, ESRF_ID01_TDC_Resolution, ESRF_ID01_TDC_Offset, ESRF_ID01_TDC_Timeout, ESRF_ID01_Goniometer_Theta, ESRF_ID01_Goniometer_Chi, ESRF_ID01_Goniometer_Chi, ESRF_ID01_Goniometer_Phi
These keywords are not used for SaxsDataVersion>=2.40.
History of command lines
New keywords: DataValueOffset
The only defined class is "Image", the only used instances are "Psd" and "Error". The block identifier has still the form <sequence>.<class>.<instance>[.<memory>].
New keyword: ProjectionType
From now on all angles that are written into the header can be followed by a unit in the form "<value>_deg" or "<value>_rad", e.g. 32.5_rad. Other units must not be used. If the unit is missing the unit radian is used. This contradicts the earlier definition where the angular unit was degree. This redefinition affects especially the keys: DetectorRotation_1, DetectorRotation_2, DetectorRotation_3. But because these keys were never written into the header in earlier versions there is no danger of confusion. If necessary the key SaxsDataVersion can be used to distinguish between both definitions: SaxsDataVersion>=2.40: all angles are measured in rad.
Words in italics are historical keywords, that are only written for backward compatibility. Underlined values are only written for backward compatibility and will be replaced by their alias names.
EDF_DataFormatVersion = 2.30 ;
EDF_DataBlocks = 9 ;
EDF_BlockBoundary = 512 ;
Example of a Data Block Header
Words in italics are historical keywords, that are only written for backward compatibility. Underlined values are only written for backward compatibility and will be replaced by their alias name.
EDF_DataBlockID = 1.Image.Psd ;
EDF_BinarySize = 1048576 ;
ByteOrder = LowByteFirst ;
Center_1 = 269 ;
Center_2 = 268 ;
Compression = None ;
DataType = FloatValue ;
DDummy = 0.1 ;
Dim_1 = 512 ;
Dim_2 = 512 ;
Dummy = -1 ;
HeaderID = EH:000001:000000:000000 ;
Image = 1 ;
Offset_1 = 0 ;
Offset_2 = 0 ;
Psize_1 = 0.000343 ;
Psize_2 = 0.000337 ;
RasterOrientation = 1 ;
SampleDistance = 9.82514 ;
SaxsDataVersion = 1.0 ;
Size = 1048576 ;
Title = vacuum setup ;
WaveLength = 9.90376e-11 ;
<binary data follows here>
Example of a Data Block Header for Raw Data
Words in italics are historical keywords, that are only written for backward compatibility. Underlined values are only written for backward compatibility and will be replaced by their alias name.
EDF_DataBlockID = 1.Image.Psd ;
EDF_BinarySize = 1048576 ;
ByteOrder = HighByteFirst ;
Center_1 = 269 ;
Center_2 = 268 ;
Compression = None ;
DataType = UnsignedInteger ;
DetectorName = two dimensional delay line detector (IF = 176, SN = 3) ;
DetectorPosition = 9.10013 ;
Dim_1 = 512 ;
Dim_2 = 512 ;
Dummy = -1 ;
HeaderID = EH:000001:000000:000000 ;
HMDeltaTime = 0.006 ;
HMFile = /scratch/data/com38/com38_001-001 ;
HMFrame = 1 ;
HMStartTime = Wed Dec 4 02:51:48 1996 ;
HS32C01 = 59807 ;
HS32C02 = 3562 ;
HS32C03 = 2228 ;
HS32C04 = 8743 ;
HS32C05 = 54374 ;
HS32C06 = 2150 ;
HS32C07 = 57630 ;
HS32C08 = 17714 ;
HS32C09 = 54374 ;
HS32C10 = 28 ;
HS32C11 = 0 ;
HS32C12 = 0 ;
HS32C13 = 726006 ;
HS32C14 = 355 ;
HS32C15 = 1.05002e+08 ;
HS32C16 = 51268 ;
HS32C17 = 0 ;
HS32C18 = 0 ;
HS32C19 = 0 ;
HS32C20 = 0 ;
HS32C21 = 0 ;
HS32C22 = 20095 ;
HS32C23 = 1.07518e+08 ;
HS32C24 = 1.07518e+08 ;
HS32C25 = 0 ;
HS32C26 = 0 ;
HS32C27 = 0 ;
HS32C28 = 0 ;
HS32C29 = 0 ;
HS32C30 = 0 ;
HS32C31 = 0 ;
HS32C32 = 0 ;
HS32Depth = 26.8074 ;
HS32F01 = 7.59e+07 ;
HS32F02 = 7.27e+07 ;
HS32F03 = 3.51228e+07 ;
HS32F04 = 4.0644e+08 ;
HS32F05 = 9.78206e+06 ;
HS32F06 = 1.05443e+11 ;
HS32F07 = 1.35616e+06 ;
HS32F08 = 3.56277e+11 ;
HS32F09 = 9.78206e+06 ;
HS32F10 = 2.00337e+10 ;
HS32F11 = 1 ;
HS32F12 = 1 ;
HS32F13 = 1 ;
HS32F14 = 2048 ;
HS32F15 = 1e-06 ;
HS32F16 = 0.002048 ;
HS32F17 = 1 ;
HS32F18 = 1 ;
HS32F19 = 1 ;
HS32F20 = 1 ;
HS32F21 = 1 ;
HS32F22 = 0.01 ;
HS32F23 = 1 ;
HS32F24 = 0.0005 ;
HS32F25 = 0 ;
HS32F26 = 0 ;
HS32F27 = 0 ;
HS32F28 = 0 ;
HS32F29 = 0 ;
HS32F30 = 0 ;
HS32F31 = 0 ;
HS32F32 = 0 ;
HS32Len = 32 ;
HS32N01 = PIN1 ;
HS32N02 = PIN2 ;
HS32N03 = PIN3 ;
HS32N04 = PIN41 ;
HS32N05 = PIN42 ;
HS32N06 = PIN5 ;
HS32N07 = PIN6 ;
HS32N08 = PIN7 ;
HS32N09 = I0 ;
HS32N10 = I02 ;
HS32N11 = I1 ;
HS32N12 = I12 ;
HS32N13 = anode ;
HS32N14 = anode2 ;
HS32N15 = time ;
HS32N16 = time2 ;
HS32N17 = bad ;
HS32N18 = bad ;
HS32N19 = bad ;
HS32N20 = bad ;
HS32N21 = bad ;
HS32N22 = LINKAM ;
HS32N23 = vfc27 ;
HS32N24 = thc2 ;
HS32N25 = 0 ;
HS32N26 = ;
HS32N27 = ;
HS32N28 = ;
HS32N29 = ;
HS32N30 = ;
HS32N31 = ;
HS32N32 = ;
HS32Z01 = 41.01 ;
HS32Z02 = 14.16 ;
HS32Z03 = 19.82 ;
HS32Z04 = 82.31 ;
HS32Z05 = 416 ;
HS32Z06 = 20.8 ;
HS32Z07 = 549.4 ;
HS32Z08 = 168.6 ;
HS32Z09 = 416 ;
HS32Z10 = 0.203125 ;
HS32Z11 = 0 ;
HS32Z12 = 0 ;
HS32Z13 = 0 ;
HS32Z14 = 0 ;
HS32Z15 = 0 ;
HS32Z16 = 0 ;
HS32Z17 = 0 ;
HS32Z18 = 0 ;
HS32Z19 = 0 ;
HS32Z20 = 0 ;
HS32Z21 = 0 ;
HS32Z22 = 20050 ;
HS32Z23 = 0 ;
HS32Z24 = -4000 ;
HS32Z25 = 0 ;
HS32Z26 = 0 ;
HS32Z27 = 0 ;
HS32Z28 = 0 ;
HS32Z29 = 0 ;
HS32Z30 = 0 ;
HS32Z31 = 0 ;
HS32Z32 = 0 ;
HSAnode = 13 ;
HSAnodeS = 14 ;
HSI0 = 5 ;
HSI0S = 10 ;
HSI1 = 7 ;
HSI1S = 0 ;
HSTime = 15 ;
HSTimeS = 16 ;
Image = 1 ;
MachineInfo = " Ie=165.58mA,gap46=25.54mm,taper46= 0.00mm,gap26=20.31mm,taper26= 0.01mm" ;
Offset_1 = 0 ;
Offset_2 = 0 ;
OpticsInfo = optics ;
Psize_1 = 0.000343 ;
Psize_2 = 0.000337 ;
RasterOrientation = 1 ;
SampleDistance = 9.82514 ;
SaxsDataVersion = 1.0 ;
Size = 1048576 ;
StationInfo = id2 ;
ExperimentInfo = detector with 2.02% R14 + 20.1% C2H6 + QS Xe(Air Liquide ;
Title = vacuum setup ;
WaveLength = 9.90376e-11 ;
<binary data follows here>